Silat Suffian Seminar
I had the good fortune to attend a 2-day seminar this weekend with guru Maul Mornie of Silat Suffian Bela Diri. It's a Bruneian martial art and mostly weapons-based. This weekend, we did knife-knife, knife-hand and machete work. It was my first time working with machete (apart from my teen years hacking acres of blackberry) and although we didn't progress much beyond the fundamentals with it, I still found it fascinating. We started Saturday with an hour and a half of basic drills - the basic cuts with a knife (over/fore, back, thrust), and the basic defenses against those attacks. These formed the basis of the rest of the seminar. It was interesting to me that all basics began as knife v. knife. Everything we did for the seminar (even the empty hand v. knife) went back to this basic premise. It was also interesting to my uneducated viewpoint (I have done bugger-all knife work before) that the knife was never used to block/check/intercept the incoming kn...