Training to learn
Doing is easy, learning is hard. In the martial arts, the teaching structure can too easily convince the student that how they are taught is how they should learn. The act of participating can be confused with the act of learning. The Shorin-ryu practitioner, Pat Nakata highlights this issue in a recent post on Charles Goodin's blog, where he talks of the difference between training, and training to "get it right". How we are taught or shown something is not necessarily the best way for us to learn it, or to learn from it. Learning is ultimately intrinsic to the individual, and not something that can be delivered by anyone else. I see this in my own profession of secondary education; in a classroom, students can all too easily fall into the trap of thinking that if they copy something down, they are learning. It comes as a rude shock to their system when they find in an exam or applied situation that all they learned to do by copying, was how to co...