Kihon: basic or fundamental?
In stereotypical Japanese karate, the three pillars of karate education are said to be kihon, kata and kumite. Okinawan karate has a different emphasis, with greater regard being given to things such as hojo undo and analysis of kata technique/principles. Still, common to all is the practice of isolated techniques such as punches, blocks and kicks: kihon . In English, I often see kihon translated as "basics" or basic techniques. (a disclaimer: I have no ability with the Japanese language. Just as my Italian is limited to a few musical terms, so my Japanese is limited to the smattering of martial arts terminology that most karateka pick up along the way. This post is going to be entirely not based in my deep understandings of the Japanese language.) And indeed that is how I practiced the majority of my karate for several years when I learned shotokan. A typical training session would spend the major portion of the time stepping forwa...